Sunday, 17 November 2013

Week 5 Paragraph

Write a paragraph describing your strategy for interactively demonstrating the notion of decay and post to your blog.

I will begin by showing the before and after 'destruction Occurred' within my project to demonstrate the state of 'change' measured in decay, showing images of of my walls and ground and other sections of my two models that co-inside within one another. I wanted to do something along the lines of a 'sci-fi' film trailer like robots taken over or aliens invade. I will start by creating a trackview set up around my 'Today Model' and adjust the terrain and vegetation to suit the nature of the Pavillions state, with bright coloured leafy trees surrounding the building, moving daylight settings to a romantic time of the day(most likely a sepia wash) to give the viewers a sense of 'fond memories'. I will then copy the level with the same track view, however I will swap the two models around and film the sequence again with my 'destructed model' and then over lay the two together. I will also rearrange the landscape, turning the vegetation into dark leafy tall trees that over hang the Pavilion with also scrubby bushes and plants growing throughout the building. I will also import some 'robot' models from Sketchup to help narrate the story I want to convey without using black frame texts. I want to use some footage taken from my Laura Marling film clip at the very beginning of my trailer as the camera sweets through the ally way which I will merge into my own footage.

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